Hugo Chavez is M.Bison

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

David Hicks: A sad case of a government gone wrong

Born in Australia to Cypriot parents; it's times like these — Hicks case needs to be resolved: Ruddock — that it makes me proud to be able to call myself a citizen of another country and not an Australian. Oh for shame!

What kind of a country can I be proud to be part of? To be born in? To have lived the first quarter century of my life in. When its government stands idly by while one of its citizens is detained by another country — since the "war"with (destruction of) Afghanistan, more than 5 years — without trial or charge.

Is this something to be proud of? Is it something that makes me feel safe and/ or re-assured when I go to sleep at night? Um... NO!!!

Britain got its citizens out of Guantanamo quick smart! Not allowing them to be tried in US courts, and rightly so!

People say he's a terrorist and he deserves to be there, but under Geneva conventions he's entitled to POW status which the US so strongly believes in — though only for it's own soldiers — yet is denied his rights, both as an enemy combatant and a human.

What happened to all the German POW's at the end of WW2? Where they held in detention for 5+ years without charge or trial?

Unfortunately Australia is headed by a corporate arse kissing conservative lap dog. Who is to blame for this? "Decent", "honest" Australians? The electoral system — designed to give country folk the same voice as us city dwellers — which is now been used to the advantage of the liberal party. The labor party and all their infighting? Beasley, the stupid moron only after his shameless self promotion? The baby boomer generation and their ford/ holden, labor/ liberal binary brains? Apathetic Australian youths more concerned about big brother and all the other useless reality television they seem blinded by?

All of the above. Sorry Dave.

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Sunday, December 24, 2006

Look daddy, I'm a plane!

Plane drops bomb, bomb goes boom!

Nice one georgey boy... I wonder if the white house comes equiped with a jungle gym to occupy your monkey bar swinging ass while the "important" meetings are on...

Friday, November 03, 2006

Spot the difference!

Totally unrelated to M. Bison/ Hugo Chavez I know, however we smells a conspiracy and where we smells we spells...

See if you can tell the difference in the reporting of this recent piece of news:

Two women have been killed as Israeli troops opened fire on a crowd of women gathered to help besieged gunmen flee a Gaza mosque, witnesses and doctors say.


Two Palestinian women have been killed during a stand-off near a Gaza mosque while they were trying to rescue about 60 Palestinian men besieged inside.

Interesting reporting. BBC says 15 Palestinian gun men were inside and Al Jazeera says 60 men were inside, now both could be true, however don't you think it's an important point that there were another 45 people unaccounted for in their (the beeb's) story?

Also, I'd like to give a big thanks to "the beeb's" correspondents over in Israel, we all know how much bullsh*t the Israeli army loves to spin, why they think YOU, dear reader would be stupid enough to believe anything the Israeli military would have to say, after repeatedly lying and even going so far as to break the cease fire with Lebanon flying planes low over the southern part and causing sonic booms.

There's plenty more in there, however, it wouldn't be much of a spot the difference if I pointed it all out for you... ;)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

BBC tries to F*CK M. BISON

Apparently the only f**k up I could find in this article entitled, BBC guilty of venality in its misreporting on Venezuela, was his mention of BBC Pay which anyone who works there – I'm almost a former employee – knows, is crap!

And here are the 2 articles he mentions in order of mention plus another 1 I found relevant:

Mass Venezuela opposition rally

Fiasco as Venezuelan opposition tries, but fails to rally support for Rosales

Poll shows Chavez 51.5%; followed by opposition candidate Rosales at 22.7%

Personally, I can't handle how such a sh*t piece of reporting was allowed on the prestigious BBC news web site.

Yeah I can handle it! :D

What I can't handle is people calling the BBC "obective" or "left wing" anyone trying to slander M. Bison deserves to be bombed, oh wait! It's David Blunkett former British minister who wanted to bomb Al Jazeera, one of the only true objective news sources left!

But I guess it's ok when a "civil" member of the British aristocracy wants to bomb a media corporation, but not OK, when M. Bison wants to use his psycho power to crush evil dictators like George Bush and not the innocent civilians around him!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Fucking Howdy!

To the left is Mr. Bison and to the right Mr. Chavez.


from left: hugo chavez, m. bison
from left: hugo chavez, m. bison