Hugo Chavez is M.Bison

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

David Hicks: A sad case of a government gone wrong

Born in Australia to Cypriot parents; it's times like these — Hicks case needs to be resolved: Ruddock — that it makes me proud to be able to call myself a citizen of another country and not an Australian. Oh for shame!

What kind of a country can I be proud to be part of? To be born in? To have lived the first quarter century of my life in. When its government stands idly by while one of its citizens is detained by another country — since the "war"with (destruction of) Afghanistan, more than 5 years — without trial or charge.

Is this something to be proud of? Is it something that makes me feel safe and/ or re-assured when I go to sleep at night? Um... NO!!!

Britain got its citizens out of Guantanamo quick smart! Not allowing them to be tried in US courts, and rightly so!

People say he's a terrorist and he deserves to be there, but under Geneva conventions he's entitled to POW status which the US so strongly believes in — though only for it's own soldiers — yet is denied his rights, both as an enemy combatant and a human.

What happened to all the German POW's at the end of WW2? Where they held in detention for 5+ years without charge or trial?

Unfortunately Australia is headed by a corporate arse kissing conservative lap dog. Who is to blame for this? "Decent", "honest" Australians? The electoral system — designed to give country folk the same voice as us city dwellers — which is now been used to the advantage of the liberal party. The labor party and all their infighting? Beasley, the stupid moron only after his shameless self promotion? The baby boomer generation and their ford/ holden, labor/ liberal binary brains? Apathetic Australian youths more concerned about big brother and all the other useless reality television they seem blinded by?

All of the above. Sorry Dave.

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At 7:31 AM , Blogger  said...

u r lol


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